How To Do Wednesday: Interviewing Tips

Two weeks ago, I posted "How Not to Get Your Resume Tossed Out" with expert advice from a former job recruiter, Brigitte, that I know. In that post, I promised to post Part II, Interviewing Tips to follow. With the holiday approaching fast, I was unable to do it last week so here it is!

If missed the posting on Resume Tips, please click here to read some great expert advice on cover letters, dos and don'ts in resumes, and advice on your format. Since I have so much content, I am going to just jump right into the DO list.

Research the Company
Know about the company and position details before going to the interview. This is so important when deciding if a position is right for you. Look at the website, for the company. Read the company's mission statement and see if it is something that you agree with. You can also use search engines to find any recent news about the company. Now, obviously the company is not going to quiz you on their website or products but if you can reference it, you definitely will get brownie points with the interviewer.

Practice Interviewing
Practice makes perfect so find someone who can help you with this process. You can look up common interview questions and have someone just read them to you. You would be surprised how easily a question like "tell me a little about yourself" can make your mind go blank. Know your strengths and weaknesses in your work ethic! Remember, your greatest strength is your greatest weakness so for example, you are organized but inflexible.

Prepare five questions for the interviewer. These questions are going to be about the company or the position itself. Some examples are: Can you see the products? Outlook for the position long-term? What are you looking for in a candidate? You can find more examples online, but try to engage the interviewer to show interest and establish the foundation for a work relationship.

Dress for Success
Shower if possible! Hygiene is so important and NOT just for interviewing. There are just too many smelly people in the world. You are making a first impression so you want to look and smell your best! If you get clammy hands, use talcum powder before the interview so that you do not transfer sweat during a handshake.

Women- Wear conservative colors like black, blue, or gray. Professional clothes (skirt, dress, or business suit) and shoes with little to no color. Minimal jewelry and small earrings. Avoid strong smelling perfumes and lotions as well.

Men- Wear a suit with conservative colors like black, navy, or charcoal gray only. Your tie should compliment the suit but not be too loud or bright. Avoid jewelry and strong smelling colognes and aftershave.

What To Bring With You
  • Copy of your resume and personal references
  • Copy of the job description to reference during the interview
Arriving To The Interview
Know exactly where you are going before you leave your home. If you have to drive to the place the day before, do that. You should never arrive late to a professional interview with the excuse that you couldn't find the place because if you really wanted to work there, you would know where the building is!

Arrive 15 minutes early exactly. Your interview starts the moment that you enter the parking lot. Avoid loud music, driving fast, and talking on your cell phone. You never know who is in the lot or who can see you from inside of the building. Leave your cell phone in your car, you should not be on it even while you are waiting to go in.

Freshen your breath before walking in. Bring a mint or gum but dispose of it before leaving your car. Do not spit gum on the ground either, littering can cost you your job. Brigitte was very serious about this, and people picking wedgies out of their butts in the parking lot but being seen from indoors.

If You Smoke
Don't smoke at least one hour before your interview to avoid a cigarette smell. And never smoke in your interviewing clothes! Nothing smells worse to a non-smoker than a person just coming in from smoking a cigarette. If you smell like smoke your interviewer could also assume that you will be taking breaks to do so, which can conflict with your ability to perform your new job.

Tattoos and Piercings
Cover them up or take them out for a professional interview. If this means that you have to wear a long sleeve shirt or turtleneck in Summer, I am sorry. Ask about the policies of displaying or covering after you have accepted your offer.

During the Interview
  • Stay calm! Do not be nervous or say that you are nervous. Confidence shows over all
  • Smile!
  • Shake hands with everyone that you meet
  • Do not flail your hands while talking. Try and keep them in your lap if possible
  • Maintain good posture
  • Maintain eye contact
  • Don't speak too fast or slowly
  • Listen carefully to the interviewer
  • Engage the interviewer with your prepared questions
  • Ask when you can expect to hear a response

DON'Ts For the First Interview
  • Ask about salary
  • Ask about benefits
  • Ask about vacation or sick pay  
  • Mention personal plans in the future (weddings, vacations, kids etc)
It is illegal for an interviewer to ask you questions about your personal life. You do not have to disclose if you are married, single, have kids, etc so don't. You are at the interview because you are qualified to be so don't put yourself in the no pile by saying that you are a single parent.

After the Interview
Send two Thank-You notes to the interviewer. The first Thank-You should be sent via email on the day of the interview. The second Thank-You should be sent via the Post Office so the interviewer can be reminded of you a few days later. Your letters should not be exactly the same but can follow the same format. Emails can be screened, filtered, or lost via the internet so its always good to have a back-up.

Example Thank-You 


Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I appreciate that you took the time to explain ____________.  I enjoyed talking with you about/ seeing ___________. After the interview, I am even more excited just thinking about joining your team. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call me at __________. I look forward to hearing from you on or before <the date that they said in the interview> about your decision. Thank you again for your time.


<Your Name>

**I want to thank Brigitte again for allowing me to pick her brain. I hope that you benefit from these tips and land the job of your dreams! Feel free to share this post and leave your comments below. Thanks for reading!!**


  1. wow that Brigitte is a smart lady :)

    1. That she is! She has helped so many people with her tips including me! And I really appreciate her helping me get this information out there. Good luck on any future interviews readers!!!


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