
Showing posts from May, 2015

Makeup Monday: Spring Nail Color Picks- 2015

Is it just me or has this year flown by? This week is the beginning of the last month of Spring. This season, nail polish colors that I see trending are really some of my favorite colors. For this reason, I am dedicating this post to the beautiful, trending nail polish colors of 2015. The pictures from this post are from my Nail board on Pinterest, which will be linked below. While these pictures are showing specific brands/ shades, with a little effort, I believe that duplicates can be found. I personally love the NYC brand, which is what I am wearing in the photo above. This brand costs about $1.75 at Target and offers a pretty wide variety of colors.Other notable brands for under $4.00 are Sally Henson Insta-Dry, retailing for $3.79 at Walmart and Sinful Colors, retailing for $1.99 at Wal-Greens. Without saying much more, here are my picks:   Blue Purple Nude/ Pink Yellow Coral Neon & Metallic

Trial Tuesday: Removing Printed Labels From Plastic

So if you have been following my blog. you know that I have really been getting more organized in 2015. One way that I continue to add new items to my home is to recycle the products that I use. Recently, I came across this Pin that I wanted to try out for baking ingredient storage: find this tutorial on Now while this idea is very clever I wasn't sure if I would use paint to redo the cans that I have. This got me thinking about another Pin that I saw on Pinterest about removing printed labels with nail polish remover. Found on After I saw this Pin, I checked it out on YouTube and with thin plastic, it does work. With this in mind I wondered if I could remove the label from the Folgers Container. Which brings us to this weeks trial. TRIAL What You Will Need: Before: Directions: Fold a piece of paper towel and soak it in nail polish remover.  Place nail polish soaked paper towel on the label for 5 minutes.

Makeup Monday: Spring Lips

Happy Monday to you! Hope that you had a wonderful weekend. I know that this is a bit late into the Spring season but I really wanted to do a Spring Lip Pick for 2015, I actually was planning this post for about a month now but I just did not have time to do any swatches. Since there are sooo many products on the market, I am sticking with shade selections instead of naming specific brands. Most of these items are drugstore and can be found at Walmart or Target. I will be doing more makeup reviews in the future, I am really just trying to work out a schedule right now for life/blogging. So without any more explanation, on to the color choices! Rose Toned Lips If you haven't noticed by now, nude pallets are popping up everywhere and from every major drugstore brand. With nude eyes trending this Spring, rose toned lipsticks and glosses are the perfect pair for a great daytime smokey eye look. These colors will add just enough pigment to your lips to brighten your skin, wh