
Showing posts from April, 2015

Thrifty Thursday: DIY- Recycled Makeup Brush Holder

Happy Belated Earth Day! In honor of recycling to Save Our Earth, I decided to give you one idea of how easy it is to reuse product packaging from the items that you buy. While you may not be able to duplicate this project exactly, I am hoping that you think twice before throwing your recyclables away. I recently bought another makeup brush set so I needed to find a new way to store my brushes. I also wanted to find a way to separate the clean brushes from the ones that I am currently using. So recently when I bought a plant starter kit from Target, I decided to save the box and use it for my brushes. The packaging was a thick cardboard with built on dividers, which is pretty rare. Sorry, forgot to take one the opposite way My Project I started by spray painting the cardboard. What I Used To Decorate:   Pencil Scissors Small Sponge Brush Mod Podge Scrapbook Paper After the spray paint dried overnight, I traced I piece for each part of the box that I

How To Do Wednesday: How To Prepare Your Home & Yard For Spring

Can you believe that Spring is here? And not to jinx it but we are actually getting favorable weather where I live, unlike the typical cold April that we are used to. If you live in a climate that frosts on average until Memorial Day, Early Spring can slip by pretty quickly due to unfavorable temperatures. This is why it's important to start Spring activities around your home and yard when you can. I bought my home a few years ago as a foreclosure. When I purchased, the home was vacant but I later learned from a neighbor that the home had been abandoned for over a year. And whoever was supposed to be keeping up on the property wasn't doing that either. The greenery in the yard was completely overgrown and dandelions covered my property. I also had a wasp nest in a window, bird nest above my light, and bushes growing over and crushing my downspouts. Without going into any more detail I had a ton of work cut out for me. Today I am going to provide you with some tips based

Trial Tuesday: DIY Boot Cleaners

Where I live, the weather changes according to the season. This means that during Winter where I live, it snows every year. For those of you who also experience snow, you know what it's like to ruin your shoes and boots with rock salt. I do not have that big of a closet so I switch out my wardrobe twice per year. I also take this time to purge clothes and shoes that I am not wearing or have over-warn. Since cute Winter boots are pretty pricey, I like to hold onto my boots as long as possible. This year before I deciding what boots to purge, I wanted to take the time to find methods to revitalize my winter boots. I found two methods, one for leather and the other for suede. I wasn't sure how well these methods would work so I am putting them to the test! LEATHER BOOT TEST Before: Dull leather What You Will Need: Olive Oil 1-Clean, soft washcloth 1-Paper Towel Sheet TRIAL Directions: Start by wiping down your boots if there is loose d

Makeup Monday: 10 Beauty Mistakes That I Used To Make

Once again, I went awol from my blog and I apologize to my loyal followers. I have had a ton of requests recently and I intend to get to each on in the coming weeks. Honestly, I just really have had a lot going on in my life and I needed to focus on my family for a bit. But again, I am back, I will admit that while I have a ton planned, I just did not have the time to take and upload photos for my post today. So I thought I would do something different this week and stray from providing knowledge to admit some mistakes. Hair 1. Washing too often and using too much shampoo . I used to wash everyday and use a handful of shampoo, which I later learned was actually damaging to your hair. Shampooing too often strips your hair of the oils and nutrients that it needs to maintain a healthy balance. To read more about this, check out my post on keeping   healthy hair  from earlier this year. 2. Not using a heat protectant spray before using hot tools . To reduce breakage, it is so imp