Fashion Friday (On Saturday): Simple DIY Halloween Costumes

So I did not have a chance to blog yesterday so I decided to just publish something today.
I was looking around on Pinterest to find simple DIY costumes that can be made with items from your closet and I found a few super simple ideas. Since I have my own Halloween party to go to today, I am just going to link my top choices below with the photos and link my search results here  if you want to see even more costume ideas. One tip that I do have is try to use eyeliner and lipstick instead of Halloween makeup if you are using simple colors or designs.

1. Identity Theft
You would probably have to buy the stickers. This costume is very clever!

2. Minnie Mouse
These are just two versions of the way that you can dress as Minnie but the possibilities are pretty endless! You just need a pair of ears. 

 3. Scarecrow
The possibilities for this costume are endless because you can change the shirt, boots, the way you draw your stitches, etc.These are two different versions of the scarecrow so be creative with yours.

5. Medusa
You just need a curling iron and some rubber snakes.

6. Thug (or Alex)
A Clockwork Orange

7. Regina George Prank Outfit
Mean Girls

Well, you will have to ruin a tank top for this costume, its going to probably be the most simple costume that you will ever make.

8. Mia Wallace
Pulp Fiction

9. Ty Beanie Baby
Super simple DIY to make this costume in making the TY heart. You can use the woman on the left's idea and recycle Easter Bunny ears for your Halloween costume.

10. Ghost
If all else fails, just cover yourself in a sheet. And be sure to cut holes so that you can see. :)

**Follow me on Pinterest and I will follow you back! Let me know in the comments below what you are going to be for Halloween! Next week, I will be posting the all of the costumes that I did for my work's spirit week so stay tuned! Thank you for reading and have a great weekend!!**


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