Non-Fat Tuesday: Yoga for Beginners

Yoga is a wonderful exercise that can be done by just about anyone for free in their home. Yes I said free, just go to after you read this article and search yoga; you're welcome. Since there are so many variations, instead of focusing on one style I wanted to promote a general beginner's yoga.

Since I wasn't sure how to come at this post because there is so much information about various styles of yoga on the internet, I decided to do something different with this entry. Over the weekend I went on my social media page and asked for my readers to send in pictures of their favorite poses in hopes to offer a variety to my readers. While not too many people were able to submit photos by my deadline, I still got some great photos that can be seen below. If these readers can do it, so can you! You just need to find the practice that works for you.

Makarasana (Dolphin Pose)
Bending Pose

Benefits: Strengthens the shoulders and arms,  tones abdominal muscles, stretches hamstrings,  and promotes forearm balance.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)
Standing Pose
Benefits: Builds strength and stretches whole body. Downward dog is typically a transitional pose. The downward dog allows the energy to continue flowing during practice, which will keep you ready for the next stretching pose. 

Kumbhakasana (Plank Pose)
Balancing Pose
Benefits: Tones all of your core muscles including abs, arms, chest, and lower back. The plank that Mary is doing in this a more advanced plank, beginners should stick to high planking. I would highly recommend doing a Plank Challenge to anyone that is beginning to exercise and doesn't know where to start.

Chakra-asana (The Wheel Pose)
 Stretching Pose

Benefits: Strengthens the back and promotes flexibility. This pose is a more advanced variation of bridge pose. This pose will really help with a stiff back, although it may take some stretching to achieve the pose beforehand.

Savasana (Corpse Pose)
Relaxation Pose
Benefits: This pose is typically done at the end of your yoga practice. Corpse pose is a resting pose that allows you time to lay and regain your energy after working your entire body. Bottom line, corpse pose will help you release any stress and tension that your body is storing.

I also wanted to include a video that is a top pick of mine for starting a yoga workout routine. This video is about 20 minutes long and precedes a great yoga for weight loss workout series!

**Please leave a comment below if you decided to watch the video and let me know your thoughts, comments, and reactions. Also, follow the series on YouTube to get the rest of the beginner's yoga work outs. Thanks for reading!**


  1. Other great free yoga sites:
    Go to youtube and search yogayak and yoga today. Also, Sarah Ivanhoe has great sessions.

  2. I have had a couple of students do a variation of the corpse pose in Math 2. It does seem relaxing but i wonder are they just asleep?

    1. I'm guessing yes unless you include a cool down phase in your lesson plan :)


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