Clothes Thrifting Tips

One of my favorite things to do is throw on my favorite sweats and go thrifting! On these trips, I typically spend majority of the time in the store sorting through the slightly organized clothes racks inside. Since I am always on the hunt for a good deal, I learned a few tricks for finding the best items and deals possible!

1. Always Check the Sales. Thrift stores like Goodwill always offer the same weekly deals to patrons depending on location and region. For example, in my area students get discounts on Saturdays and Seniors on Wednesdays. There are also weekly percentage off tag deals and special promotions for holidays, etc. Goodwill also has a membership club that offers a discount to members on their birthday and other special incentives.  

2. Try Clothes on Before You Buy Them. While clothes can be donated just because someone doesn't wear them anymore, people also donate stained and ripped items. While most are caught and discarded, some small rips or minor stains may be overlooked in items placed for sale. At Goodwill, you have 10 days to return your item with the tags on it but you will only receive store credit back. Other thrift stores may not accept returns so its important to know that you will keep the item before you buy.

3. Try Different Sizes and Take Time to Look. You are in a thrift store so chances are that things may not be in their proper sections. It is important that you take the time to look at what the entire section has to offer. It doesn't hurt to try a size either, sometimes a bigger shirt can be brought in by simply adding a belt. You never know what you are going to find!

4. Look to Future Trends. Fashion is one of my loves and I can tell you that as we are heading into Fall, a Spring 2015 Fashion Line is in the works! I cannot verify this at the moment but yes, the trends are being chosen. A simple Google search is a great way to find out what trends are going to be popular in the future. Getting a head start on looking for items that will be popular is way easier than finding donated items that are in trend. #oversizedsweatershoppinginAugust

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