Makeup Monday: How to Get Strong, Natural Nails

Since I love doing my nails and DIY nail art, I have decided to include nail care and art with Makeup Mondays! For the next few weeks, I will be doing a series on nails and nail care. This week, I want to focus on getting those strong and long nails that you have always wanted.

Coming from someone who always had brittle nails, I have finally figured out how to get the strength that my nails need to grow. Since great natural nails come from regular care, here are tips from my weekly nail care routine.

1. Cut your nails often. Its the same idea as growing your hair out: the more you cut, the better and faster that your nails will grow. Everything that you do, from washing your hands to typing on a keyboard makes your nail tips weak so its better to lose the weak links than have them create a hang nail!

2. Use a straight edge nail clipper. You can find these online pretty easily, but you may have to go to a beauty supply store if you want to purchase from a store. I got my clippers from Amazon and they are great! Natural nails tend to grow to a point and slower on the outsides of each nail bed. If you clip your nail straight across then you aren't losing the part that takes longer to grow. Since I have started clipping my nails straight, the break less often, too.

3. File your hang nails. 
Do not pull or bite a snag, you will break the whole nail! Keep an emery board with for emergencies. You should also file your nails after clipping them to prevent snagging and rough ends. Remember to file straight, too! 

4. Don't cut your cuticles. Now, I love picking at my nails and picking the skin around my nails as much as the next girl, but it is not good for your nails! The best way to get rid of your cuticles is to use a cuticle softening product or cuticle cream to keep them soft and push them back with a tool like one of these.


5. Use a nail strengthening product. My choice is a three in one product by OPI, From Start to Finish. This product is a little pricy but it is a primer (nail polish base), nail strengthener, and a top coat all in one, which will save you money if you buy them separately. With regular use, this product will strengthen your nails! It is also great because it is formaldehyde free.

6. Condition your cuticles. 
There are tons of cuticle creams available in store but my favorite is Burt's Bees Wax brand. Cuticle cream is a must for the fall season because it conditions the tiny cracks that tend to split around your nail bed. For a cheap solution, you can also use Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline) on your cuticles to keep them soft!       

**I hope that these nail strengthening tips helped you in getting the nails that you want. Please leave me a comment below with your favorite nail care products!**  


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