DIY- Making an Old Hat New

  -Fabric Ribbon*
  -Glue, either fabric or hot glue
  -Flower* or other accent pieces
                                                                                        * from the Dollar Tree

1. Clean hat if necessary. Hats, like other accessories are often forgotten and left in the back of the closet to collect dust. A good wipe-down will make it look new again.

2. Measure the brim of your hat with the fabric ribbon. You will need two pieces that are the same length. Before cutting, add an inch of ribbon or so to the length to seal the ends.

3. Glue the ribbon to your hat, placing dots of glue every few inches.  At this point, the ribbon may look rough against the hat with bumps if its a thinner fabric.

4. Place a dot at the beginning of your first ribbon and wrap the second ribbon around the hat. Secure the end over the first closure. Placing the second ribbon will not only cover any rough bumps but also make the ribbon appear thicker.

5.  Add a flower or another embellishment. Be creative! Since I wanted to use things around the house, I opted to use a fake flower from the vase in my room.

I know that I am not a professional and some of you will look at this and say that you could do better or I could have done better but this is to inspire. I chose white ribbon and a white rose because that is what I had but the possibilities are endless! I look forward to posting more DIYs in the near future.

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