How To Do Wednesday: How to Spend Quality Time with Your Kids

As a busy working mother, I know how difficult that it can be to balance your home and work life. It is so important to spend quality time with your children to continue developing a close relationship in life. To give you a break from thinking, I came up with 40 different activities to do with your kids. These activities may or may not apply to you depending on the age of your child but I tried to include something for all ages. Have fun!

Inside Activities

1. Play a board/ card game
2. Play Hide and Seek
3. Play Simon Says
4. Build a fort
5. Play indoor volleyball (balloon and string)
6. Read a book (Go to the library)
7. Tell them a story
8. Make shadow puppets
9. Have a movie night with popcorn
10. Make indoor S’mores (roast marshmallows on the stove with a fork)
11. Color with them
12. Do an art project
13. Paint projects- pine cones, leaves, or paper; add glitter for fun
14. Have a pretend tea party
15. Play pretend with them and their toys
16. Play dress up, you dress up too
17. Listen to music and dance
18. Exercise with them
19. Play doctor’s office and turn your living room into a waiting room for stuffed animals
20. Play restaurant, let them serve you (you can make the plate if they are too small)
21. Have them help with chores- let them set the table, sort clothes with you, or even dust

Outside Activities

22. Red Light, Green Light Game
23. Sidewalk Chalk Art
24. Hop Scotch
25. Blow bubbles
26. Go for a walk
27. Go for a bike ride
28. Walk your dogs
29. Have a scavenger hunt
30. Bury treasure, make a map, and find the treasure
31. Play Tag
32. Catch bugs
33. Gardening- Planting or tending to the garden
34. Yard Work- raking or picking up leaves
35. Have a picnic
36. Watch the clouds
37. Catch fireflies
38. Have a bonfire (if your city permits)
39. Go backyard camping
40. Go to a playground

*Turn off your technology for a while, after you leave your comments below. Let me know what activities you like to do with your kids!*


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