Non-Fat Tuesday: Change Your Eating Habits

Let me just start off by saying that diets DO NOT WORK! First of all, you start Monday or on the 1st but you don’t give an end date. Why? Because you are determined to get weight off and you think that whatever diet that you chose is going to help you accomplish that goal. Now don’t get me wrong, you can absolutely lose weight by quitting carbs, but don’t ever plan on eating them again if you want to keep that weight off. To lose weight, you need to change your life. Yes, what you eat is a part of your lifestyle and to change yourself, you need to change your lifestyle! I am NOT about to supply you with a diet, just some helpful advice.  

My Weight Struggles: 
As a child I was very heavy, weighing 100 pounds by the time that I was 8. Every time I had a growth spurt, I would thin out and then get heavy again at the end. By 16, I was 170 pounds and a size 11 at 5’2. I never carried my weight well either, I those thirty pounds were above my waist. And I know some of you are saying “Yeah, I wish” but I was so unhappy in my life.

After high school, I quit drinking soda and lost 30 pounds within 6 months, no exercise. I managed to keep the weight off for a few years until I got pregnant at 22. On the day after my daughter was born, I topped the scale once again at 170 pounds. My first thought was I did not want my daughter to go through the struggles that I did so I knew something had to change in my lifestyle of eating. It began with my diet.

The Food That I Ate:
I used to LOVE mayo; and salt; and soda. And sweets but I knew that I loved them too much. I started by cutting down and eventually eliminated dousing a sandwich with mayo or pre-salting the food that I was going to eat. I also cut soda out completely, again. As time progressed, I knew that I needed to change more so I began buying the foods that I love in healthier options. I listed those changes below, along with alternate lifestyle ideas:

Small Changes to Make When Buying Food

  • Switch to whole grain. Make sure that it’s 100% whole grain. This includes your rice, pasta, bread, and tortillas. After you get used to it, it really tastes the same.
  • Buy the light versions of butter, sour cream, and mayo, they taste the same.
  • Don’t drink soda. Buy bottled water and drink additive like Crystal Light or MiO to satisfy sugary drink cravings. Or, drink more water because you should!
  • Stop buying sweets. Buy ingredients to make homemade baked goods and only make them as a treat. Bake with your kids!
  • Buy sugar substitutes for baking. Some sugar substitutes are: agave, maple syrup, honey, and pumpkin.
  • Buy healthy snacks for your home and at work. Always have food so you don’t opt to eat junk.
  • Buy more fruits and vegetables. Get them when they are on sale and keep in your crisper.
Changes to Your Lifestyle

  • Eat breakfast every day. It jump-starts your metabolism and gives you energy.
  • Exercise. I know, it is not easy but I challenge you to start with 10 push-ups and 10 sit-ups before bed. Go from there.
  • Don’t let your kids have the stuff that you wouldn’t. Things that are bad for you should be seen as treats not snacks. Avoid giving your child soda for as long as possible in life, it is less likely that they will like it later. 
  • Cut down on complex carbs and eat more whole grain. Carbs turn into sugar which turns into fat when stored.
  • Do not diet! It doesn’t work. Just cut down on your portions and you can still have things that you love. Example: have two pieces of pizza instead of four.
  • Explore new recipes.  Try to eliminate recipes with sauce and season with herbs, wine, or lemon.
  • Join a support group. There are tons online that are free!

I am a healthy 132 pounds. I exercise regularly and watch what I eat. I also try and watch what my daughter eats without her knowing. I drink soda on occasion but I usually just drink water. Since I made the change to the food that we have in our home before my daughter was at an age to know the difference, she does not like mayo, soda, or white bread! So, the desire for me to be at a healthy weight is even more enticing when my five year old doesn’t even like the foods that I used to love. All and all, I am happy with my decision to want better for my daughter.

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