How To Do Wednesday: Keeping Your Car Organized

Spring is just around the corner! With just a little over three weeks until it is official, I have already begun to plan the Spring cleaning that needs to take place in my house.

Since the weather is still cold where I live and will be for a while, I am restricted to organizing where I can stay warm.One place that seems to get neglected in my life is my car. To get some ideas for car organization, I headed over to Pinterest, of course, to get some ideas.

To stay organized in your car, it is important to keep only what is necessary in your car. Letting your clutter and garbage build up will only encourage you to abandon your car's cleanliness. Don't neglect your car, it is probably the only one that you have.

Simple Organization
The Glove Box

Keep all important documents within an arm's reach. This is also a good place to keep coupons for easy access when going to the store. Two of these tiny expandable file organizers will fit perfectly in any glove box.

Organization Hacks

Be prepared for anything! Develop an organization system that is functional in your car.

Cleaning Products

Keep your cleaning products on hand, even if its just garbage bags to contain your mess.
Baking soda in a mason jar

Recycled hand-wipe container

DIY Trash Can Tupperware

DIY Plastic Bag Dispenser

First Aid/ Emergency Kits

Buy one or make your own! There are tons of ideas for both online. Everyone should have one!

Recycled Cup Kleenex Dispenser

DIY Travel Medicine Kit

Great for locations with cold winters

Simple example

Extra gloves never hurt anyone!
Neat tip that I found online

Entertaining the Kids

Keep your kids entertained on the road by being prepared.

To see the original links for any of these posts, please visit my Organization board on Pinterest.

**What other organization tips do you have for keeping a clean car? And how do you keep your kiddos entertained while traveling? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks for reading!**


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