How To Do Wednesday: Crafting Supply Storage Tips
Well, its here, the final part of my organization series. Since so many of you that read love DIY and crafting, I wanted to include crafting supply storage tips in my organization series. And for those of you who aren't DIY or craft savvy, these tips can also be used for storing other items like makeup or hair products.
For years, I lived in small spaces where I had no room to store anything. This lack of storage space encouraged my obsession for organization because I had to store away so many of my things away. And now that I have the space, I am still working on changing how things are stored!
Pantry Rack Storage
I found a great system to organize my crafts that works for me that I think would be great for anyone with limited space, which is using a pantry storage rack for storage. This specific rack can be purchased from Walmart for around $18. There are three basket shelves and open shelves. The height on this shelf is adjustable. While I keep my rack on the wall in a walk-in closet, it is no wider than a standard sized door.
As I mentioned before, this product would also be great for storing makeup, hair tools, nail polish, or even small handbags.
Ribbon Basket-Shelf
I use the top shelf for ribbons and twine. This is the perfect shelf for ribbons because when turned sideways, the ribbon can be slipped right through the hole for easy dispensing. It also keeps the roll from unraveling.
Paint Basket-Shelf
I set the shelf just far away enough from the top rack to be able to set up my acrylic paints.There is still a ton of room for more paint and all are easily visible for use.
Bins in a Basket-Shelf
I want to get more of these small bins because the fit perfectly turned sideways in this rack. I keep glitter in one, glitter paint the other, and the middle tin has clothes pins inside. I like to use the baskets because they can easily be taken out and put back. My daughter and I do class art projects weekly so these are used pretty often. The glitter has spilled a few times so its an easy clean-up from the bin than from the floor.
The Glue Shelf
I have tons of glues for various purposes so I like to keep them organized and all together for easy usage. Since I am always using my hot glue gun, when I came across this little bin in the Dollar Spot at Target, I had to get it! There is a large holed side that fits my glue gun perfectly, and the smaller sides are holding glue sticks and super glue.
Bottom Shelf
The bottom shelf should always be the least accessed objects in organizing. In my craft rack, the bottom shelf holds extra markers, crayons, and popsicle sticks.
Additionally Added Storage
I hung these tin bins from the bottom shelf. I have even more markers, pencils, scissors, craft knives (X-Acto), and paint brushes in these containers.
I actually just used a paperclip to hold the bins onto the rack. You would be surprised how strong these clips can be! These bins are easily removable and great for adding more to the storage area.
Shelf Above Rack
In the bins above the storage rack, I keep poster supplies, recycled items, and other crafting items in the purple bins.
The left bin contains pipe cleaners, feathers, gems, pompoms, foam stickers, and googly eyes. My daughter and I use these for her class projects so our collection has grown in the last year.
The right bin holds rocks, seashells, sand, and glass rocks. I use a lot of these items for home decor but I keep them with my crafting supplies.
I save a lot of paper and plastic materials to use for projects or re-purpose. My bin is pretty tiny right now but I will start collecting now that the holiday season is upon us. DIYs to come!!
Fabrics and Sewing Materials
I have these in materials in a side table shelf. I keep extra (scrap) fabric in a shoebox that I used a label to cover. And no, organization does not always have to be pretty, it just has to be functional. While sewing is really not my thing, I like to use fabrics in my DIY projects so I save any fabric scraps that I can get.
**I hope you enjoyed this mini how to organization series. Let me know in the comments if you would like to see more posts like this in the future. Thank you for reading!**
For years, I lived in small spaces where I had no room to store anything. This lack of storage space encouraged my obsession for organization because I had to store away so many of my things away. And now that I have the space, I am still working on changing how things are stored!
Pantry Rack Storage
I found a great system to organize my crafts that works for me that I think would be great for anyone with limited space, which is using a pantry storage rack for storage. This specific rack can be purchased from Walmart for around $18. There are three basket shelves and open shelves. The height on this shelf is adjustable. While I keep my rack on the wall in a walk-in closet, it is no wider than a standard sized door.
As I mentioned before, this product would also be great for storing makeup, hair tools, nail polish, or even small handbags.
Ribbon Basket-Shelf
I use the top shelf for ribbons and twine. This is the perfect shelf for ribbons because when turned sideways, the ribbon can be slipped right through the hole for easy dispensing. It also keeps the roll from unraveling.
Paint Basket-Shelf
I set the shelf just far away enough from the top rack to be able to set up my acrylic paints.There is still a ton of room for more paint and all are easily visible for use.
Bins in a Basket-Shelf
I want to get more of these small bins because the fit perfectly turned sideways in this rack. I keep glitter in one, glitter paint the other, and the middle tin has clothes pins inside. I like to use the baskets because they can easily be taken out and put back. My daughter and I do class art projects weekly so these are used pretty often. The glitter has spilled a few times so its an easy clean-up from the bin than from the floor.
I have tons of glues for various purposes so I like to keep them organized and all together for easy usage. Since I am always using my hot glue gun, when I came across this little bin in the Dollar Spot at Target, I had to get it! There is a large holed side that fits my glue gun perfectly, and the smaller sides are holding glue sticks and super glue.
Bottom Shelf
The bottom shelf should always be the least accessed objects in organizing. In my craft rack, the bottom shelf holds extra markers, crayons, and popsicle sticks.
Additionally Added Storage
I hung these tin bins from the bottom shelf. I have even more markers, pencils, scissors, craft knives (X-Acto), and paint brushes in these containers.
I actually just used a paperclip to hold the bins onto the rack. You would be surprised how strong these clips can be! These bins are easily removable and great for adding more to the storage area.
Shelf Above Rack
In the bins above the storage rack, I keep poster supplies, recycled items, and other crafting items in the purple bins.
The left bin contains pipe cleaners, feathers, gems, pompoms, foam stickers, and googly eyes. My daughter and I use these for her class projects so our collection has grown in the last year.
The right bin holds rocks, seashells, sand, and glass rocks. I use a lot of these items for home decor but I keep them with my crafting supplies.
I save a lot of paper and plastic materials to use for projects or re-purpose. My bin is pretty tiny right now but I will start collecting now that the holiday season is upon us. DIYs to come!!
Fabrics and Sewing Materials
I have these in materials in a side table shelf. I keep extra (scrap) fabric in a shoebox that I used a label to cover. And no, organization does not always have to be pretty, it just has to be functional. While sewing is really not my thing, I like to use fabrics in my DIY projects so I save any fabric scraps that I can get.
**I hope you enjoyed this mini how to organization series. Let me know in the comments if you would like to see more posts like this in the future. Thank you for reading!**
I have that rack hanging on the back of my bathroom door with bathroom supplies in it. But it certainly would work in my craft room! I need to get that little divided basket for my glue gun. The tin buckets hanging below are great! I put extra pens and pencils in coffee cups that I have broken the handles off accidently. I have gotten and received as gifts such pretty coffee cups but it's a tragedy when the handle breaks. So I keep them on my desk and fill them with the pens, scissors, paperclips, etc. I bet the coffee cups could be kept on this rack as well! Love your ideas!