How To Do Wednesday: How To Be Grateful
Last week on How To Do Wednesday, I posted part one of a two part series on resume and interviewing tips. While I said that I would post part two this week, I decided to postpone it a week due to the holiday. So, part two, Interviewing Tips, to come next Wednesday.
Every year, Christmas is pushed upon us earlier and earlier, with Thanksgiving is disregarded here in America. Retail executives also are now making consumers choose between getting a good deal on an expensive item or eating dinner with family. And no I am not discouraging anyone to shop, but for the time that you do spend with family. I hope that you really think about what you are grateful for and enjoy the holiday in the moment.
With all of that being said, here are some ways to be grateful not just tomorrow, but everyday:
- Be thankful everyday, good or bad
- Live in the moment and appreciate it
- Love yourself because you are the best that you can be
- Be thankful for the good in all bad situations
- Don't spread hate
- Be kind to others
- If you are unhappy with something, move on
- Appreciate what you have!
**What tips do you have? Leave your feedback in the comments below. Thank you for reading and I hope that you have a Happy Thanksgiving!**
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