Makeup Monday: Spring Nail Color Picks- 2015

Is it just me or has this year flown by? This week is the beginning of the last month of Spring. This season, nail polish colors that I see trending are really some of my favorite colors. For this reason, I am dedicating this post to the beautiful, trending nail polish colors of 2015. The pictures from this post are from my Nail board on Pinterest, which will be linked below. While these pictures are showing specific brands/ shades, with a little effort, I believe that duplicates can be found. I personally love the NYC brand, which is what I am wearing in the photo above. This brand costs about $1.75 at Target and offers a pretty wide variety of colors.Other notable brands for under $4.00 are Sally Henson Insta-Dry, retailing for $3.79 at Walmart and Sinful Colors, retailing for $1.99 at Wal-Greens. Without saying much more, here are my picks: Blue Purple Nude/ Pink Yellow Coral Neon & Metalli...