Trial Tuesday: DIY Easter Egg Dye

Did you know that you can make your own Easter Egg Dye using food coloring? Well, according to the back of the food coloring box you can. And I didn't doubt that it would work but I wondered about the quality. I also wanted to do some experiments while dying the eggs. What You Will Need: 12-18 Eggs 2-Cups Boiling Water 4-Teaspoons Vinegar Directions: 1. Boil your water. I used the trusty microwave for this step. 2. Divide the water up between bowls. You can use as many bowls as you would like colors. I personally used five bowls. 3. The back of your food coloring box will always have a chart that shows number of drips to create whatever colors you want. For example, three blue drops and one green drop make Aztec Blue. Follow these instructions for best results. You will need to mix the food coloring because the dye will sit at the bottom Plain Eggs TRIALS 1. Can you use a regular crayon to write on your egg before dying? I thought yes be...